The SF 424 form must be filed by any entity that intends to submit an application for Federal funding. The form collects information such as type of submission, applicant information, and proposed project dates. It is used by all grant applications, including those for research, training, and fellowship programs. The SF-424 is used by all Federal agencies to assure compliance with statutory requirements for non-construction grant programs. It is also required for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards. Applicants must provide their DUNS or DUNS+4 number as part of this form. The SF-424 is submitted annually through the Online Data Collection system (OLDC). This form is mandatory for all state child support agencies.
If an application is being submitted for an SBIR or STTR award, the information reported on the SF 424 form should reflect the applicant small business concern, not a particular individual. Similarly, the information in section 14 (Contact PD/PI Contact Information) should reflect the current employment or commitment of the PD/PI to the SBC submitting the application. State child support agencies are required to file this form annually in the Online Data Collection system (OLDC) in accordance with administrative rules for mandatory grant programs administered by the Administration for Children and Families.

How To Fill out SF-424 Form?
This form must be submitted annually through the OLDC system in accordance with mandatory grant programs under ACF. This year, a new question has been added to the form regarding categories of debts (including delinquent audit disallowances and loans). State agencies should respond to this question by including their Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and Data Universal Numbering System number (DUNS).
Other components of the SF-424 include basic applicant information, type of submission, and proposed project dates. Applicants should be sure to fill in all applicable fields, including the DUNS and EIN numbers for the lead organization. Also, State agencies should note whether their application is subject to the intergovernmental review process under Executive Order 12372.